The Dynamic Essence of Transmedia Storytelling: A Graphical Approach to the Journey to the West in Korea

(See English below)

In ihrem am Donnerstag, den 26.09.2024 ab 18 Uhr, stattfindenden Vortrag „The Dynamic Essence of Transmedia Storytelling: A Graphical Approach to the Journey to the West in Korea“ wird Frau Dr. Barbara Wall (Universität Kopenhagen) auf den im chinesischen Raum bekannten Roman  „Die Reise nach Westen“ in verschiedenen Kunstformen im Kontext der koreanischen Version eingehen. Der Vortrag ist als Booktalk konzipiert, der sich auf ihre soeben erschienene Monographie bezieht.

This talk challenges many typical assumptions about popular literary classics via analysis of sixty Korean variations of The Journey to the West, including novels and poems, but also films, comics, paintings, and dance performances. In contrast to the typical assumption that literary classics like The Journey to the West are stable texts with a single original, Barbara Wall approaches The Journey to the West as a dynamic text comprised of all its variations. From Korean scholars in the 14th century to boy bands like Seventeen in the 21st century, she argues that all the creators of such variations participate in the ongoing story world known as The Journey. Wall employs literary and quantitative analysis, ample graphic visualizations, and in-depth descriptions of classroom games to find new ways to understand the dynamics of transmedia storytelling and popular engagement with story worlds.

Die Vortragssprache ist Englisch. Bei Fragen kontaktieren Sie uns unter:

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Alle bislang angekündigten Vorträge finden Sie hier. Die weiteren Termine kündigen wir in unserem Blog und auf unserem X-Account an.

In her lecture “The Dynamic Essence of Transmedia Storytelling: A Graphical Approach to the Journey to the West in Korea”, which will take place on Thursday, 26.09.2024 from 6 pm, Dr. Barbara Wall (University of Copenhagen) will discuss the well-known Chinese novel “The Journey to the West” in various art forms in the context of the Korean version. The lecture is designed as a booktalk based on her recently published monograph.

This talk challenges many typical assumptions about popular literary classics via analysis of sixty Korean variations of The Journey to the West, including novels and poems, but also films, comics, paintings, and dance performances. In contrast to the typical assumption that literary classics like The Journey to the West are stable texts with a single original, Barbara Wall approaches The Journey to the West as a dynamic text comprised of all its variations. From Korean scholars in the 14th century to boy bands like Seventeen in the 21st century, she argues that all the creators of such variations participate in the ongoing story world known as The Journey. Wall employs literary and quantitative analysis, ample graphic visualizations, and in-depth descriptions of classroom games to find new ways to understand the dynamics of transmedia storytelling and popular engagement with story worlds.

The lecture will be held in English. If you have any questions, please contact us:

The lecture will be streamed via Webex*. You can take part in the lecture using your browser without having to install a special software. Please click on the respective button “To the lecture” below, follow the link “join via browser” (“über Browser teilnehmen”), and enter your name.

You can find all previously announced lectures here. We will announce further dates in our blog and on X.

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