Begleitprogramm: «REISENDE ERZÄHLUNGEN: Tausendundeine Nacht zwischen ORIENT UND EUROPA»
«From Cairo to Europe and back. The great destiny of manuscripts of the Thousand and One Nights»
am 9. Januar 2020
by Élise Franssen
The Thousand and one Nights are famous in Europe thanks to their adaptation into French by Antoine Galland (1646‑1715), published in the early eighteenth century. This attractivity of the tales has had many diverse consequences, one of the most important being the birth of a genuine new Arabic textual tradition of the Nights, in Cairo in the end of the eighteenth century.
The lecture will reconstruct the history of this major family of texts, history that will lead us from South to North and back accross the Mediterranean.
Dr. Élise Franssen is Marie Sklodowska Curie fellow at Ca‘ Foscari University, Venice.
Um 17 Uhr besteht die Möglichkeit, an einer Kurzführung durch die Ausstellung teilzunehmen; Treffpunkt ist vor dem Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Saal.