Workshop: Cataloguing Greek Manuscripts in the digital age
In a collaborative project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK, the University of London, Warburg Institute, the University of Torino and the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin are cataloguing and digitizing the collection of Greek manuscripts (107 manuscripts within the Manuscripta Phillipsiana) acquired by Cardinal Guillaume Pellicier (1490-1568) during his time as French ambassador in Venice between 1539 and 1542.
The study of these manuscripts has raised questions that are best answered through the use of innovative techniques from the digital humanities field. The objective of the workshop is to better understand the current trends in manuscript description and how they may generate new areas of research. Old methods and new approaches will be discussed by specialists invited by the „Pellicier project“ and the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.
17 June, 14 h – 18 h
14 h Welcome and introduction
Carolin Schreiber (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin)
Manuscripts cataloguing in Germany: From Analog to Digital
Matthieu Cassin, Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes (CNRS, UPR 841; Paris-Aubervilliers)
Census of Greek manuscripts, Identifiers and online catalogue: Pinakes, Diktyon and Msscatalog
Coffee break
Rosa Maria Piccione (Università di Torino, Pellicier project) & Richard Gartner (Warburg Institute, Pellicier project)
Investigating 16th-century Greek Manuscripts from Venice: the case-study of Guillaume Pellicier’s library
Dominic Oldman, Director of Kartography CIC (
The Principles of ResearchSpace
18 June, 9 h – 12 h
9.30 Welcome coffee
Paolo Eleuteri (Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia)
Cataloguing, cataloguing, cataloguing… but how? Problems, issues, perspectives of cataloguing manuscripts
Paola Degni (Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia)
The cataloguing of Greek manuscripts in Italy: trends and open questions
Robert Giel (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin)
Handschriftenportal: A new infrastructure for Manuscripts in German Collections
Conclusions and farewell
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During the event, pictures will be taken for the public relations of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. With your registration you agree to the publication for non-commercial purposes.
In cooperation with:

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici