
Im Kindergarten. Von Otto Piltz. - In: Daheim : ein deutsches Familienblatt mit Illustrationen ; 1906/2(1906)34. - S. 7. - Signatur in HAB: ZA 4° 27 ; CD B 24

Social Reform in the Conservative 1850s : The Central-Verein in Preußen für das Wohl der Arbeitenden Klassen and the Kindergarten

Gastbeitrag von Nisrine Rahal, University of Toronto The kindergarten, founded in June 1840 by Friedrich Fröbel in Bad Blankenburg, was imagined as a “garden of children” from which a new humanity would evolve. Fröbel’s educational method focused on independent play motivated by toys and set activities. These activities, Fröbel believed, would allow children to learn […]