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11 Suchergebnisse für: Stipendienprogramm Gastbeitrag 2019


(Un)official Korean Sources on late Koryŏ in the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin’s East Asian Collection

Gastbeitrag von Lukáš Kubík During the mid‑fourteenth century, East Asia experienced a period of profound changes, labelled by researchers as the Great Chinggisid Crisis, corresponding to Europe’s Crisis of the late Middle Ages. This era was marked by significant climate changes, leading to several disasters, including natural calamities, famines, and plagues. These events set the […]


The World of a Nineteenth-Century Uyghur Village

Gastbeitrag von Dr. Eric Schluessel The homeland of the Uyghur people now appears constantly in the news. This region in Northwestern China, called “Xinjiang” in Chinese, is a vast land of mountains, deserts, oases, and grasslands. Its autochthonous majority, known today as Uyghurs, speak a language related to Turkish and mainly practice Islam. Their homeland […]


Recovered music manuscripts of the Prussian Baroque

Gastbeitrag von Simone Walters The recovery and restitution of over 5,000 music manuscripts that form the archive of the Sing-Akademie zu Berlin (siglum D‑Bsa) has had a significant impact on music scholarship by providing a wealth of newly available sources and facilitating the identification of previously unknown works and composers. Having been missing for over half a […]


Time Unfolded: A Late Medieval Concertina Calendar in the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Libr. pict. A 92)

Gastbeitrag von Dr. Sarah M. Griffin The diffusion of mechanical clocks in fourteenth-century Europe introduced new systems of tracking time. Many of these converged in late medieval calendars, which contain details of the yearly cycle that were calculated by astronomical observation and ordered through liturgical routine. During this period, the calendar broke free from its […]