
A theoretical text on letter writing from the late 16th century: İnşa. – SBB-PK: Hs. Or. Oct. 917, pp. 6b-7a

16th – 17th Century Manuscripts and Letter-Writing Manuals in the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin

Als Gastbeitrag von Dr. Ercan Akyol: Auszüge aus seinem Beitrag im Blog des DFG-Projekts Qalamos The primary objective of my research is to contextualize Ottoman literary culture of the late 16th and early 17th centuries within its historical framework, with a particular focus on the functions of literature in Ottoman society, especially among the scholarly elite. In […]

The portrayal of national minorities as a threat to Russians became a frequent target of ridicule among the left-wing intelligentsia. The caricature from the satirical journal Бичь № 1 (1906), p. 9 depicts readers of the right-wing press fleeing in terror from a harmless, passing Finn. – SBB-PK: 2°Ue 6783/28 2, p. 9

Rethinking Empire in Nicholas II’s Russia: The Victimized Heartland

Gastbeitrag von Dr. Stanisław Boridczenko Two Visions The expansionist nature of colonial empires ignited debates among intellectual elites long before their decline in the mid‑20th century. The Russian intelligentsia under Nicholas II was no exception, delving deeply into efforts to interpret and define the essence of their homeland and its imperial identity. Traditionally, the Romanov state, […]

Fighting the Colonial Enemy: The Challenges to the German way of War 1904–1918

Gastbeitrag von Leslie Newsom In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, conflict between the native populations of Africa and military forces of the European imperial powers seriously challenged the established idea of ‘White’ European military and physical superiority over the ‘Black’ populations of Africa. The perceived racial supremacy of the English was undermined by […]

Military Drugs and Medical Texts: The Berlin Chinese Medical Manuscripts and Patterns of Consumption in the Mid to Late Qing

Gastbeitrag von Forrest Cale McSweeney In the Qing Dynasty (1644–1912), military medicine, and particularly military drugs, were an aspect of the income of soldiers. In a complex system of local procurement, the Qing government steered both simple ingredients and physicians themselves to the privileged Manchu warrior elite in the Eight Banners often stationed in the […]

Mobilised and Militarised Childhood: A Sample Schedule and Account of a 1960s-born Chinese Pupil in Two Days

Gastbeitrag von Dr. Sanjiao Tang Driven by the international tensions in the Cold War context, war preparation elements heavily and continuously featured Chinese people’s lives throughout the Maoist era (1949–1976). Despite the great famine around the late 1950s, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) decided to include China’s entire population in the armed forces (quanmin jiebing 全民皆兵). […]

Auch 2025 heißt es wieder: Researchers from all over the world welcome!

Am 30. September endet, wie in jedem Jahr, die Bewerbungsfrist für unser Stipendium, das im Rahmen des Stipendienprogramms der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz zur Durchführung von Forschungsarbeiten an der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin für das Folgejahr vergeben wird. Alle Informationen und den Antragsvordruck finden Sie auf den Stipendienseiten unserer Homepage, die komplett auch auf Englisch zur Verfügung stehen. Das Stipendium wird in […]