
Auch 2021 wieder: Researchers from all over the world welcome!

Zwar läuft in diesem Jahr vieles anders als sonst, die Planungen für das kommende Jahr sollen davon aber nicht beeinträchtigt werden: Auch 2021 können wir im Rahmen des Stipendienprogramms der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz wieder Stipendien für die Durchführung von Forschungsarbeiten in der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin vergeben. Die Bewerbungsfrist dafür endet – wie alljährlich – am […]

Recovered music manuscripts of the Prussian Baroque

Gastbeitrag von Simone Walters The recovery and restitution of over 5,000 music manuscripts that form the archive of the Sing-Akademie zu Berlin (siglum D‑Bsa) has had a significant impact on music scholarship by providing a wealth of newly available sources and facilitating the identification of previously unknown works and composers. Having been missing for over half a […]

Uncovering the history of Islamicate astronomy

Gastbeitrag von Dr. Scott Trigg Long before our current scientific understanding of the solar system, astronomers as far back as ancient Babylonia recorded observations of the night sky. In an Earth-centered cosmos, the entirety of the heavens seems to rotate around the stationary Earth in a daily motion of rising and setting. However, by observing […]

Time Unfolded: A Late Medieval Concertina Calendar in the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Libr. pict. A 92)

Gastbeitrag von Dr. Sarah M. Griffin The diffusion of mechanical clocks in fourteenth-century Europe introduced new systems of tracking time. Many of these converged in late medieval calendars, which contain details of the yearly cycle that were calculated by astronomical observation and ordered through liturgical routine. During this period, the calendar broke free from its […]

Ausschnitt aus: BSB Res/4 Oecon. 172

Das Kometenei von 1680 und andere Wunderzeichen

Gastbeitrag von Dr. Doris Gruber Dieser Beitrag erschien ursprünglich im Bibliotheksmagazin 1/19. Ende 1680 erschien in Regensburg ein Flugblatt, das von einer außergewöhnlichen Geschichte berichtet: Am elften November des Jahres habe in Rom eine Henne ein ‚wunderliches‘ Ei gelegt. Dieses sei insofern besonders, weil die Henne dabei ungeheuer laut gegackert und bis dahin keine Eier […]

Relations between the Ottoman Empire and Germany, 1908-1918: Artistic Interaction and Cultural Institutions

Gastbeitrag von Özge Gençel At the end of the 19th century, when the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire accelerated, voices opposing the sultan increased gradually. The first organised opposition of the Empire, the Committee (or, Party) of Union and Progress (Turkish: İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti) played a role in the declaration of the Second Constitutional […]