Werkstattgespräch zu Wilhelm I. & dem politischen Gefüge des Kaiserreichs am 21.6.

Monarchical rule and political culture in Imperial Germany – the reign of William I
Werkstattgespräch in englischer Sprache mit Frederik Frank Sterkenburgh
Department of German Studies – The University of Warwick,
2016 Stipendiat im Stipendienprogramm der SPK

Dienstag, 21. Juni
18.15 Uhr
Schulungsraum im Lesesaal, Haus Potsdamer Straße
Treffpunkt in der Eingangshalle (I-Punkt)
Eintritt frei, Anmeldung erbeten

This Werkstattgespräch will use the dedication of the Cologne Cathedral in October 1880 to illustrate some of the practices with which German Emperor William I (1797-1888) exercised his monarchical role. Historical assessments of William still revolve around the idea that he was a reluctant German Emperor, content with remaining a King who epitomized Prussian virtues and consistently overruled by chancellor Otto von Bismarck. Such judgments easily overlook to what extent William was a political actor in his own right and a key figure in the operating of the Hohenzollern monarchical system. The 1880 Dombaufeier can demonstrate how William was part of the Empire’s political decision making process, projected his understanding of the Empire in public, drew on particular historical narratives to legitimize his reign and positioned himself in the Kulturkampf. In this manner, William can be placed squarely in the historical context and political culture of the early German Empire.

Poster zur Veranstaltung
Alle Termine der Wissenswerkstatt

Stipendienprogramm der SPK an der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin

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