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44 Suchergebnisse für: Stipendienprogramm Gastbeitrag


The Violoncellist King: Discovering the musical world of King Friedrich Wilhelm II (1744–1797) through his music libraries

Gastbeitrag von Alexander Nicholls The musical activities of Friedrich Wilhelm II of Prussia and his court, which were of great significance for Prussia’s cultural development, have been only partially examined by musical scholars and scarcely at all by historians. My doctoral research focuses on the violoncello performance practices of Friedrich Wilhelm as found in his personal performance materials […]


Between Religion and Magic in Ottoman Sunnism: Thaumaturgy and its Sources

Gastbeitrag von Nikola Pantić Nestled on the boundaries between religion and magic, thaumaturgy today largely avoids scholarly attention. The idea that a ritual is in popular belief connected to a coherent result without an immediately apparent causal relationship belongs to the study of magical belief and practice. Scholars rarely discuss the similarities between orthodox religious […]


Spazieren in Charlottenburg

Gastbeitrag von Dr. Maya Shabbat Modernization and urbanization, demographic growth, economic stress and rising antisemitism were the main factors driving mass migration from Eastern Europe to the West in the last third of the 19th century. In the historical narrative, the mass of Jewish migrants overshadowed the story of small intellectual groups of young and educated individuals […]


Als Diplomat und Autodidakt im Orient. Der Briefwechsel von Heinrich Friedrich von Diez im Kontext seines Nachlasses

Gastbeitrag von Prof. Arne Klawitter Der Name Heinrich Friedrich von Diez (1751–1817) ist unter Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaftlern heute bestenfalls noch den Goethe-Forschern bekannt, denn der vielseitig interessierte Dichter zog, als er die Arbeit an seinem West-östlichen Divan begann, dessen Denkwürdigkeiten von Asien (2 Teile, 1811/15) zu Rate, die Diez im Anschluss an seine Tätigkeit als […]